Perché Gesù?

Perché la fede cristiana è molto diversa da tutte le altre religioni? Perché si tratta di Gesù. Lui è la meravigliosa persona in questione a noi. Egli si trova in pieno centro e nessuno è come lui.


La storia dell’ amore

John 3:16 – The Story of Love – “John 3:16 – The Story of Love” came from the movie Most (The Bridge), a beautiful Oscar-nominated movie and winner of many prestigios film festivals that tells the story of the close relationship between a bridge operator and his young son and the fateful day when both try to head off an impending rail disaster.

A steam train full of hundreds of passengers are unaware of the danger as they head towards an open drawbridge. When a desperate young woman witnesses an act of virtue beyond imagination, her life is forever changed.

This video is narrated by Reggie Dabbs through his sermon at Planetshakers Conference 2007. The message was inspirational that we decided to match it to the movie itself. Although throughout Reggie Dabbs sermon it appears that he’s making reference to the video, we were absent from the conference and made our best effort to combine the sermon to the movie.

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One Life

Preghiera di Mosè, uomo di Dio. I giorni dei nostri anni arrivano a settant’anni, o, per i più forti, a ottant’anni; e quel che ne fa l’orgoglio, non è che travaglio e vanità; perché passa presto, e noi ce ne voliamo via. Chi conosce la forza della tua ira e il tuo sdegno con il timore che ti è dovuto? Insegnaci dunque a contare bene i nostri giorni, per acquistare un cuore saggio. (Salmo 90,10-12)

One Life – Amazing Animation by Corey Hayes (Song is “Old Man” by Neil Young) – Please Like & Share this video!

This animation will make you think about your life.
The song is “old man” by Neil Young
Animation by Corey Hayes

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