Quello che può fare Gesú – QUANDO VIVE IN TE

I am Second® – Bethany Hamiltonwww.iamsecond.com

At age thirteen Bethany Hamilton was a rising surfing star. From her home in Hawaii she had everyday access to some of the world’s best waves and basked in the warmth of a loving family. But her tranquil beach surf life was shattered one morning when a shark completely bit off her arm. Only the immediate help of her friends, heroic work by doctors and an overwhelming peace kept her alive in the critical moments after the attack. That fact that she survived was a miracle.

What is one to do when your outward passion and purpose in life is seemingly taken away? Bethany looked inward to her relationship with Jesus, who renewed her spirit while also restoring her surfing ability, to even greater heights. Her story today is retold in the movie SOUL SURFER, and continues to inspire others to not give up on themselves..and God.

I am Second® Bethany Hamilton – All’età di tredici Bethany Hamilton era una stella nascente del surf. Nella sua casa alle Hawaii aveva accesso ad alcune delle migliori onde del mondo ogni giorno e sfruttava il calore di una famiglia amorevole. Ma la sua tranquilla vita è stato distrutta una mattina, quando uno squalo l’ha morsa e le ha staccato completamente il braccio. Con l’immediato aiuto dei suoi amici, il lavoro eroico da parte di medici e una pace travolgente è rimasta in vita nei momenti critici dopo l’attacco. Il fatto che lei sia sopravvissuta è un miracolo.

Che cosa si deve fare quando la vostra passione e lo scopo nella vita è apparentemente portato via? Bethany ha volto lo sguardo verso la sua relazione con Gesù, che ha rinnovato il suo spirito e allo stesso tempo ha ripristinato la sua capacità di surfare, in modo molto migliore di prima. Oggi, la sua storia è raccontata nel film SURFER SOUL, e continua ad ispirare gli altri a non rinunciare a se stessi .. e a Dio.

Bethany’ story

At age thirteen Bethany Hamilton was a rising surfing star. From her home in Hawaii she had everyday access to some of the world’s best waves and basked in the warmth of a loving family. But her tranquil beach surf life was shattered one morning when a shark completely bit off her arm. Only the immediate help of her friends, heroic work by doctors and an overwhelming peace kept her alive in the critical moments after the attack. That fact that she survived was a miracle.

What is one to do when your outward passion and purpose in life is seemingly taken away? Bethany looked inward to her relationship with Jesus, who renewed her spirit while also restoring her surfing ability, to even greater heights. Her story today is retold in the movie SOUL SURFER, and continues to inspire others to not give up on themselves..and God.


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